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Investment Products

The division maintains a robust regulatory regime for, and performs gate-keeping functions in, authorising investment products offered to the public in Hong Kong. We monitor our authorised and registered investment products for compliance with the requirements in our codes. We also formulate policies relating to the regulation of the asset management industry and pursue initiatives which facilitate market growth and product innovation with the overall goal to develop Hong Kong as a full-service international asset management centre and preferred fund domicile.

What we do:

  • Develop and implement codes and guidelines for the authorisation and registration of investment products to facilitate market growth and product innovation whilst maintaining an appropriate degree of investor protection
  • Authorise and regulate investment products offered to the public under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
  • Register and regulate open-ended fund companies (OFCs)
  • Monitor disclosures by authorised investment products and registered OFCs and their ongoing compliance
  • Formulate policies relating to the regulation of asset management

Last update: 15 Jan 2020

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