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System maintenance schedule

Date Time (GMT +0800) Services suspended

27 Jul 2024 (Sat)


28 Jul 2024 (Sun)

12:00 AM (Sat)


11:59 PM (Sun)

  • Circulars
  • Complaint form
  • Consultations and conclusions
  • Fintech enquiry form
  • List of publicly offered investment products
  • News and announcements
  • Public register of licensed persons and registered institutions
  • WINGS, including:
    - Applications for exemption from Part XV of the SFO
    - Business and risk management questionnaire
    - Financial Returns
    - Investment product information
    - Joint product survey by the SFC and the HKMA
    - Key risk indicator survey
    - Licensing applications, notifications and returns
    - OTC Securities Transactions Reporting
    - Paragraph 12.5 notifications/VA Trading Platform Operator Notifications
    - Rule 22 dealing disclosures
    - S181 return by brokers on trading information
    - Short position reporting



Last update: 18 Jul 2024

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