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Temporary Administrator (2-Year Contract) - Finance (Translation Team), Corporate Affairs

Ref.: SFC/TADM/FIN/CA/230907

Duties & Responsibilities:

This position provides administrative and operational support to the Translation Team of the Finance Department. The administrator will manage internal job logging system, maintain Wordfast, a translation memory tool, and help in the outsourcing and vendor management processes. Other duties include coordinating translation projects and liaising with users, collecting and compiling job data and statistics for senior management’s information and undertaking other ad hoc and administrative tasks.


The successful candidate should have completed secondary education and at least three years of secretarial or administrative experience. This position requires strong organisational, coordination, interpersonal and communication skills, as well as attention to detail. Applicants should have a good command of English and Chinese, high proficiency in PC applications, including good knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Chinese word processing, and be able to take on multiple tasks and know how to prioritise and work under pressure. The administrator must be a good team player and must possess a strong sense of responsibility.

Please quote the reference and apply by 20 October 2023 with details of qualifications, previous experience, current and expected salary to:

Recruitment Manager
Securities & Futures Commission
54/F, One Island East,
18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
(E-mail address : ca_recruit@sfc.hk)

All applications will be handled in strict confidence by authorised personnel and will only be used for recruitment related purposes. Applicants who do not hear from us within six months from the application deadline may consider their applications as unsuccessful. All information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after six months.


Last update: 6 Oct 2023

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