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Publicly offered investment products
Topic Last Updated
Advertising Materials of Collective Investment Schemes Authorized under the Product Codes 1 Apr 2022
Application Procedures for Authorization of Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds under the Revamped Process 22 Dec 2023
Capital Investment Entrant Scheme* (*This refers to the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme suspended by the Government with effect from 15 January 2015) 11 Sep 2017
Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 22 Dec 2023
Exchange Traded Funds and Listed Funds 16 Dec 2019
Grant Scheme for Open-ended Fund Companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts 10 May 2024
Implementation and Transition Arrangements of the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (Effective on 1 January 2019) 11 Nov 2022
Investment-Linked Assurance Schemes 28 Jun 2024
Leveraged and Inverse Products 28 Apr 2021
MPF products 22 Dec 2023
Mutual Recognition of Funds: France-Hong Kong 17 Dec 2018
Mutual Recognition of Funds: Luxembourg-Hong Kong 7 Oct 2020
Mutual Recognition of Funds: Mainland-Hong Kong 22 Dec 2023
Mutual Recognition of Funds: Netherlands-Hong Kong 7 Oct 2020
Mutual Recognition of Funds: Switzerland-Hong Kong 7 Oct 2020
Mutual Recognition of Funds: Thailand-Hong Kong
Hong Kong Feeder Fund Investing in Thai Master Fund
16 Jun 2021
Mutual Recognition of Funds: United Kingdom-Hong Kong 7 Oct 2020
"Offers of Investments" under the Securities and Futures Ordinance 1 Apr 2022
Open-ended Fund Companies 5 Apr 2024
Paper Gold Schemes 22 Dec 2023
Post Authorization Compliance Issues of SFC-authorized Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 22 Dec 2023
Pooled Retirement Funds 22 Dec 2023
Real Estate Investment Trusts 26 Jul 2024
Revamped Post Authorization Process of SFC-authorized Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 22 Dec 2023
SFC Authorization of UCITS Funds 1 Apr 2022
Structured Investment Products under the Code on Unlisted Structured Investment Products 22 Oct 2021
Other materials
Guide on Practices and Procedures for Application for Authorization of Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 22 Dec 2023
Guide on the Use of Financial Derivative Instruments for Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 22 Dec 2023
Application of the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds on UCITS funds 6 Feb 2020
Sharing of some recent topical issues relating to SFC-authorized funds 15 Dec 2014
Presentation Materials on the Revamped Fund Authorization Process 13 Oct 2015
Presentation Materials on the Revamped Post Authorization Process 17 Jul 2017
Presentation Materials on the Launch of Enhanced Fund Data Reporting 12 Jul 2018
Presentation Materials on Open-ended Fund Companies 15 Feb 2024
Open-ended Fund Company: The corporate investment fund vehicle in Hong Kong (pamphlet) 26 Jul 2019
Presentation Materials on Hong Kong REITs regime 10 May 2024
Guidance to the ETF Industry 15 Dec 2020
Presentation Materials on Consultation Conclusions on Proposed Amendments to the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds 18 Jan 2019
Presentation Materials on ESG funds circular 19 Jul 2021
Presentation Materials on industry workshops for ESG funds 14 Mar 2023
Presentation Materials on tokenisation of SFC-authorised investment products 10 Jan 2024
Information Sheet on Offering of Hong Kong Domiciled Funds in Dubai International Financial Centre 5 Apr 2024
Guide on Offering of Hong Kong Domiciled Funds in Abu Dhabi Global Market 27 May 2024
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